地址 │ 高雄市鳳山區鳳仁路102號
Adress │ No.102, Fengren Rd., Fengshan Dist., Kaohsiung City 830, Taiwan ( R.O.C. )
公司 │ 07-222-6698
company │ +886 -7-222-6698
工廠 │ 07-710-6063 / 07-719-0707
Factory │ +886 -7-710-6063 / +886 -7-719-0707
傳真 │ 07-710-9292
Fax │ +886 -7-710-9292
電子信箱 │ senchien@ms55.hinet.net
E-mail │ senchien@ms55.hinet.net
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If you have any questions or suggestions about the company, please fill in the form, we will have someone to contact you, thank you !